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Profecias não cumpridas sobre Trump ensinam uma lição de humildade
Em vez de perseguirmos os profetas que se desculparam, seria melhor nos juntarmos a eles.
As profecías erradas sobre Trump ofrecen unha lección de humildade
En vez de perseguir aos profetas arrepentidos, é mellor que nos unamos a eles.
QAnon Conspiracies Sway Faith Groups, Including 1 in 4 White Evangelicals
Survey examines belief in election fraud, the Deep State, and other theories on American politics.
Quick To ListenEpisode 247|1 hr
El nacionalisme cristià és pitjor del que penses.
Milions d’americans creuen en aquesta ideologia política. Què és el que els líders de l’església necessiten saber, i de quina manera poden ajudar als qui es troben sota la seva influència.
En lo esencial, unidad. En teorías de la conspiración, verdad.
Las divisiones políticas están orillando a los pastores estadounidenses a volver a las convicciones fundamentales de su fe.
In Essentials, Unity. In Conspiracy Theories, Truth.
Political divides are pushing US pastors back to the core convictions of their faith.
How American Politics Complicates Evangelicalism in the UK
Facing Brexit fallout and COVID, the head of the country’s Evangelical Alliance is eager to shift attention back to their mission.
Meet the Republican Congressman Who Says His Faith Led Him to Vote for Impeachment
Adam Kinzinger wants to see a commitment to truth reorient his party and recover the witness of the American church.
Las profecías no cumplidas sobre Trump brindan una enseñanza de humildad
En lugar de asediar a los profetas que ya se han disculpado, sería mejor que nos unamos a ellos.
Quick To ListenEpisode 249|1 hr 6min
How American Evangelicals Lost Credibility with the Global Church
What the last four years have meant for the relationship between US Christians and their brothers and sisters in Christ around the world.
트럼프의 승리를 예견한 실패한 예언이 주는 겸손에 관한 교훈
사과한 선지자를 박해하기보다는 그들과 함께 하는 것이 낫습니다.
How Can Christians Stand Against Abortion During the Biden Administration?
Advocates offer strategies to uphold the sanctity of the unborn even without the support of Congress and the White House.
정치적 예언이 이루어지지 않을 때
성경에서는 거짓 선지자 뿐만 아니라 참 선지자가 거짓 예언을 하는 경우도 있습니다.
Quick To ListenEpisode 248|1 hr 4min
Should Christians Worry Free Speech Is Eroding?
What social media companies’ actions toward Trump mean about the state of the First Amendment.
What the Black Robe Regiment Misses About Revolutionary Pastors
Christians calling for clergy to rise up against the government should take a closer look at the complex approaches by America’s early preachers.
Failed Trump Prophecies Offer a Lesson in Humility
Instead of persecuting prophets who have apologized, we might do better to join them.
Quando as profecias políticas não se realizam
Na Bíblia, vemos profetas falsos e verdadeiros cujas palavras se revelaram falsas.
Trump and Biden Disagree on Sanctions. So Do Evangelicals Outside the US.
Longstanding foreign policy tool impacts national economies. But evangelicals from US to Syria and Iran differ on who deserves blame.

Top Story May 7, 2024

Let the Neurodivergent Children Come to Me
Let the Neurodivergent Children Come to Me
Gentle parenting is one tool to train up children who have disabilities with love and wisdom.

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